Counselling for young people

Psychodynamic counselling can be a helpful approach for young people.

Being listened to in a non-judgmental way and having concerns taken seriously can be a powerful therapeutic experience.

Creative work

Talking therapy, through counselling, has the same benefits for this age group as for adults, but sometimes modifications can make the process easier.

For example, it can be difficult for some young people to process or articulate what is going on for them, so using artwork in sessions can be a way to access and discuss deep feelings. This can be through bringing favourite pieces of art, music or literature to sessions, or through drawing, painting or using sand while talking.

In this age range particular issues are common. These can all be explored in counselling and can include:

  • Anxiety and/or depression

  • Addiction

  • Panic attacks

  • Body and self-image issues,

  • Self harm

  • Gender, sexuality and identity exploration

  • School and exam stress

  • Bullying, friendship and/or relationship difficulties

  • Family breakdown

  • Trauma

  • Grief and loss

  • Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, neurodiveristy symptoms

3 women standing on wooden dock near body of water during daytime
3 women standing on wooden dock near body of water during daytime
mixed paints in a plate
mixed paints in a plate
a pink toy fish laying on the sand
a pink toy fish laying on the sand

Phone: 07533 698084